Tuesday 25 June 2024

2024 Engineering Parliamentary Communication for Welfare Development

As we step into the new decade of 2024, it is imperative to acknowledge the significant role that engineering and parliamentary communication play in shaping our future. The intersection of these two disciplines holds the key to unlocking sustainable development, improving living standards, and fostering a better world for all.

 In this blog post, we will explore the importance of engineering parliamentary communication and its potential to drive welfare development.

**The Interconnectedness of Engineering and Parliamentary Communication**

Engineering is a crucial sector that drives innovation, creativity, and technological advancements. It has the power to transform lives by providing solutions to real-world problems, from sustainable energy solutions to medical breakthroughs. On the other hand, parliamentary communication is the backbone of any democracy, enabling citizens' voices to be heard and their concerns addressed. The two disciplines may seem unrelated at first glance, but they are intricately connected.

Effective parliamentary communication is essential for engineering projects to succeed. Engineers must be able to communicate their ideas, plans, and outcomes to parliamentarians, who then provide the necessary funding and legislative support. Conversely, parliamentarians must be able to understand the technical aspects of engineering projects to make informed decisions. This two-way communication is crucial for ensuring that projects are implemented efficiently and effectively.

**The Role of Engineering in Welfare Development**

Engineering has the power to address some of the world's most pressing challenges, including poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. By developing innovative solutions to these problems, engineers can improve living standards, create jobs, and promote economic growth.

For instance, engineers can design sustainable energy systems that provide clean power to remote communities, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and improving their overall well-being. They can also develop affordable housing solutions that cater to the needs of marginalized communities, providing them with safe and secure living spaces.

In addition, engineers can work on developing cutting-edge healthcare technologies that enable early disease detection, treatment, and prevention. This can help reduce healthcare costs, improve patient outcomes, and increase life expectancy.

**The Role of Parliamentary Communication in Welfare Development**

Parliamentary communication plays a critical role in ensuring that engineering projects are implemented effectively and efficiently. By providing a platform for citizens' voices to be heard, parliamentarians can identify areas where engineering solutions are needed most.

Parliamentary communication also enables engineers to present their ideas and plans to parliamentarians, securing the necessary funding and legislative support for their projects. This two-way communication fosters trust between engineers and parliamentarians, ensuring that projects are implemented in a way that benefits all stakeholders.

Furthermore, parliamentary communication can help address the social and environmental impact of engineering projects. By engaging with local communities and stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle, parliamentarians can ensure that projects are designed and implemented with sustainability in mind.

**The Power of Collaboration**

The intersection of engineering and parliamentary communication holds immense potential for driving welfare development. By working together, engineers and parliamentarians can create innovative solutions that benefit society as a whole.

For instance, engineers can collaborate with parliamentarians to develop sustainable infrastructure projects that benefit local communities. Parliamentarians can work with engineers to ensure that these projects are designed with community needs in mind, addressing issues such as accessibility, affordability, and environmental sustainability.

In addition, engineers can work with parliamentarians to develop policies that support innovation and entrepreneurship. By providing funding for research and development initiatives, parliamentarians can enable engineers to develop new technologies that address social and environmental challenges.


In conclusion, the intersection of engineering and parliamentary communication holds immense potential for driving welfare development. By working together, engineers and parliamentarians can create innovative solutions that benefit society as a whole.

As we move forward into 2024 and beyond, it is essential that we recognize the critical role that both disciplines play in shaping our future. By fostering collaboration between engineers and parliamentarians, we can create a better world for all – one that is more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous.

In this blog post, we have explored the interconnectedness of engineering and parliamentary communication. We have seen how these two disciplines can work together to drive innovation, improve living standards, and foster a better world for all.

As we look towards the future, it is essential that we continue to prioritize the intersection of engineering and parliamentary communication. By doing so, we can unlock new opportunities for growth, development, and welfare – creating a brighter future for generations to come.

**Key Takeaways:**

* Engineering plays a critical role in driving innovation and addressing real-world problems.
* Parliamentary communication is essential for ensuring that engineering projects are implemented effectively.
* The intersection of engineering and parliamentary communication holds immense potential for driving welfare development.
* Collaboration between engineers and parliamentarians is key to creating innovative solutions that benefit society as a whole.
* Fostering a culture of collaboration between engineers and parliamentarians is essential for creating a better world for all.

**Call to Action:**

As we move forward into 2024 and beyond, let us prioritize the intersection of engineering and parliamentary communication. Let us recognize the critical role that both disciplines play in shaping our future.

1. Engineering innovations can transform lives by providing solutions to real-world problems.
2. Effective parliamentary communication enables citizens' voices to be heard and concerns addressed.
3. The intersection of engineering and parliamentary communication drives welfare development through sustainable solutions.

4. Engineers must be able to communicate their ideas and plans to parliamentarians to secure funding and support.

5. Parliamentarians must understand the technical aspects of engineering projects to make informed decisions.
6. Collaboration between engineers and parliamentarians is key to creating innovative solutions that benefit society.

Here are three short sentences in a single paragraph:

The synergy between engineering and parliamentary communication is critical for driving welfare development. By working together, engineers can design and implement sustainable solutions that benefit society, while parliamentarians can provide the necessary funding and support. This collaboration enables a more effective use of resources, leading to improved living standards and a better future for all.

 InnovationHub, TechForGood, ParliamentConnect, EngineeringForAll, SustainabilityInAction, GlobalDevelopment, CivicEngagement, PolicyInnovation, FutureForward, CitizenCentric

Thursday 20 June 2024

Wishing Happy Engineered & Productive Birthday to Founder & CEO of E.I.C.

Here's a unique wishing post with 360 words for the Founder & CEO of Engineering Innovation Creativity (E.I.C.):

"Wishing a Happy Engineered & Productive 36th Birthday to our beloved Founder & CEO of Engineering Innovation Creativity (E.I.C.)!

As you mark this special milestone, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey you've embarked upon. Your unwavering dedication to innovation and creativity has not only shaped the landscape of engineering but has also inspired countless minds across the globe.

Your vision to bridge the gap between technology and humanity has been nothing short of remarkable, and your tireless efforts have resulted in groundbreaking innovations that have transformed lives. From conceptualizing cutting-edge products to mentoring the next generation of engineers, you've consistently demonstrated your passion for shaping the future.

As you celebrate this special day, we wish you an engine that's fueled by joy, productivity, and endless possibilities! May your birthday be as

Monday 17 June 2024

Words on Engineering Professional Lifelong Event for Sustainability

**Unlocking the Power of Lifelong Learning: A Sustainable Approach to Engineering Professional Development**

As an engineer, it's no secret that the world of technology is constantly evolving. New innovations and advancements emerge every day, making it crucial for professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field. In today's fast-paced and rapidly changing environment, lifelong learning has become an essential component of an engineer's professional journey. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of lifelong learning in engineering and how it contributes to sustainability in the profession.

**The Importance of Lifelong Learning in Engineering**

The pace of technological advancements in engineering is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. This rapid change demands that engineers stay curious, adaptable, and committed to continuous learning. Lifelong learning allows engineers to:

1. **Stay updated with industry trends**: Staying current with the latest advancements in their field enables engineers to provide innovative solutions to complex problems.
2. **Enhance skills and knowledge**: Continuous learning helps engineers develop new skills, expand their knowledge, and broaden their perspectives, making them more effective problem-solvers.
3. **Network and collaborate**: Engaging in lifelong learning opportunities fosters connections with peers and mentors, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing.
4. **Increase job satisfaction and career advancement**: Engineers who prioritize lifelong learning are more likely to feel fulfilled in their careers and have a competitive edge when seeking promotions or new opportunities.

**Challenges Facing Engineers in Lifelong Learning**

While the benefits of lifelong learning are numerous, engineers often face challenges that hinder their ability to engage in continuous professional development. Some common obstacles include:

1. **Time constraints**: Engineers may struggle to balance work and personal responsibilities, leaving little time for learning.
2. **Cost and access**: The cost of education and training programs can be prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for some engineers to access them.
3. **Lack of motivation**: Engineers may feel overwhelmed by the pace of change or lack the motivation to keep up with the latest developments.

**Sustainable Approaches to Lifelong Learning**

To overcome these challenges, engineers can adopt sustainable approaches to lifelong learning that prioritize flexibility, accessibility, and engagement. Some strategies include:

1. **Online courses and MOOCs**: Online learning platforms offer flexible and affordable access to courses, allowing engineers to learn at their own pace.
2. **Mentorship programs**: Pairing with experienced professionals can provide valuable guidance and support throughout one's career.
3. **Professional associations**: Joining industry associations offers opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and staying updated on industry developments.
4. **Microlearning**: Breaking learning into shorter chunks (e.g., 15-minute sessions) can help engineers fit learning into their busy schedules.

**Real-Life Examples of Sustainable Lifelong Learning**

Several organizations have implemented innovative approaches to lifelong learning that demonstrate its effectiveness:

1. **NASA's STEM Mentorship Program**: NASA pairs young engineers with experienced professionals for mentorship and guidance.
2. **The Linux Foundation's Linux Certification Program**: The Linux Foundation offers a certification program that encourages continuous learning and skill development.
3. **The European Union's Horizon 2020 Program**: This program provides funding for research and innovation projects, encouraging engineers to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.


In conclusion, lifelong learning is an essential component of an engineer's professional journey, driving innovation, collaboration, and sustainability in the field. By adopting flexible, accessible, and engaging approaches to lifelong learning, engineers can stay up-to-date with the latest developments and continue to grow professionally.

As we move forward in this rapidly changing world, it's crucial that we prioritize lifelong learning as a means of empowering engineers to tackle complex challenges head-on. By embracing lifelong learning, we can create a more sustainable future for Engineering Professionals Worldwide.

1. As the pace of technological advancements in engineering accelerates, lifelong learning has become an essential component of an engineer's professional journey, enabling them to stay current with industry trends and develop new skills.

2. By prioritizing lifelong learning, engineers can enhance their job satisfaction, career advancement opportunities, and overall competitiveness in the job Market.

3. Despite the challenges of time constraints, cost, and motivation, engineers can adopt sustainable approaches to lifelong learning, such as online courses, mentorship programs, and professional associations.

4. NASA's STEM Mentorship Program is a prime example of a successful initiative that pairs young engineers with experienced professionals for guidance and support.

5. The Linux Foundation's Linux Certification Program is another illustration of how certification programs can encourage engineers to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

6. By embracing lifelong learning, engineers can create a more sustainable future for themselves and the profession, driving innovation and progress through continuous skill development and knowledge sharing.


As Engineers, we must prioritize Lifelong Learning to stay current with industry trends, develop new Skills, and Enhance job satisfaction and career advancement opportunities. Despite challenges like time constraints, cost, and motivation, sustainable approaches like online courses, mentorship programs, and professional associations can make lifelong learning accessible and engaging. By embracing lifelong learning, engineers can create a more sustainable future for themselves and the profession, driving innovation and progress through continuous skill development and knowledge sharing. "

Sunday 16 June 2024

Wishing Engineered & Productive Father's Day 2024

"Happy Father's Day 2024 to the most innovative and engineered fatherhood we know! As the engines of life, you have tirelessly engineered the foundation of our family structures, fueling us with wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support. Your engineering expertise has crafted a path for us to follow, illuminating the way forward with creativity and problem-solving skills.

As we celebrate your remarkable contributions to our lives, we honor your ability to shape our destinies with your engineering genius. Your moral compass has instilled in us the values of hard work, perseverance, and resilience, empowering us to tackle life's challenges head-on.

As we mark Father's Day 2024, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication to our well-being. May this special day be a celebration of all that you do for us - the love, care, and innovation that has made our lives richer and more meaningful. 

Wishing you a Father's Day filled with joy, laughter, and boundless creativity!

Monday 10 June 2024

2024 Engineering Prime Leaderships of Oaths to Develop Nation

Engineering Key Factors of Specific Disciplines bring Marvellous Productive Integral Evolution in Prime Leadership of Society.In the Dynamic Landscape of Engineering, prime leadership emerges not only as a position of Authority but also as a Responsibility towards societal progress and nation-building. 

In the year 2024, as we witness unprecedented Technological Advancements, the role of Engineering leaders in shaping the future of nations becomes increasingly crucial. These leaders, through their oaths and commitments, hold the power to drive innovation, foster sustainable Development, and uplift communities.

Images Courtesy : Wikipedia,Pixabay,Canva & InnovationCreativity, World's Largest Democratic Oath Ceremony of India by Engineering Disciplinary Enhancement,

 Let's delve into the essence of Engineering Prime Leadership and Explore the Oaths they Pledge to develop our Nation.

Understanding the Essence of Engineering Prime Leadership

At the heart of engineering prime leadership lies a deep-rooted commitment to service, integrity, and excellence. These leaders are not just experts in their respective fields but visionaries who possess the foresight to navigate through complexities and lead their teams towards impactful solutions. They embody qualities of empathy, resilience, and inclusivity, striving to create a conducive environment where every individual can thrive and contribute towards collective goals.

Pledging Oaths for Nation Development

Commitment to Innovation: Engineering prime leaders pledge to foster a culture of innovation wherein creativity and problem-solving thrive. They recognize the importance of staying at the forefront of technological advancements and leverage innovation to address pressing societal challenges. By encouraging research and development, they pave the way for groundbreaking solutions that drive economic growth and enhance the quality of life for citizens.

Advocacy for Sustainability: In an era marked by environmental concerns and climate change, engineering prime leaders vow to prioritize sustainability in all aspects of their work. They champion eco-friendly practices, promote renewable energy sources, and advocate for the integration of sustainable design principles in infrastructure projects. By embracing green technologies and adopting responsible practices, they ensure a harmonious coexistence between development and the environment.

Empowerment of Future Generations: Recognizing the importance of nurturing talent and fostering leadership among the youth, engineering prime leaders commit to investing in education and skill development initiatives. They mentor aspiring engineers, provide opportunities for experiential learning, and advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. By empowering future generations with knowledge and resources, they lay the foundation for a skilled workforce that drives innovation and prosperity.

Ethical Conduct and Integrity: Upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity, engineering prime leaders pledge to lead by example and uphold the trust bestowed upon them by society. They prioritize transparency, honesty, and accountability in all their endeavors, ensuring that decisions are guided by moral principles and serve the greater good. By fostering a culture of integrity within their organizations, they inspire trust and confidence among stakeholders, fostering long-term partnerships and collaborations.

Collaboration and Global Engagement: Recognizing the interconnectedness of the world and the importance of collaboration on a global scale, engineering prime leaders vow to seek partnerships and alliances that transcend geographical boundaries. They promote knowledge exchange, cultural understanding, and collaborative problem-solving, leveraging diverse perspectives to tackle complex challenges. By fostering international cooperation, they pave the way for shared prosperity and sustainable development on a global scale.

Conclusion on 2024 Engineering Prime Leaderships of Oaths to Develop Nation : 

Engineering Prime Leadership plays a pivotal Role in driving nation-building efforts and shaping the future of societies. Through their unwavering commitment to innovation, Sustainability, Education, Ethics, and Collaboration, these Leaders pave the way for progress and prosperity. As we navigate through the complexities of the 21st century, let us look towards these visionary leaders as beacons of hope and inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.

 Engineering prime leadership stands as a beacon of hope in the journey towards nation-building and societal advancement. Through their steadfast commitment to innovation, sustainability, education, ethics, and collaboration, these leaders not only drive progress but also inspire positive change on a global scale. As we embrace the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, let us look towards these visionary leaders as catalysts for transformation, guiding us towards a future characterized by prosperity, sustainability, and inclusivity. Together, with their unwavering dedication and steadfast resolve, we can build a better tomorrow for generations to come.

Images Courtesy : Pixabay, 2024 Engineering Prime Leaderships of Oaths to Develop Nation,

Engineering prime leadership epitomizes a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and ethical conduct, serving as a cornerstone for societal progress.

These Leaders pledge to foster a culture of innovation, leveraging technology to address pressing challenges and drive Economic Growth.

Advocating for sustainability, they prioritize eco-friendly practices and champion the integration of renewable energy sources in infrastructure Development.

Through mentorship and investment in education, they empower future generations, laying the groundwork for a skilled workforce capable of driving innovation.

Upholding the highest standards of integrity, engineering prime leaders lead by example, fostering trust and accountability within their organizations and communities.

By embracing collaboration on a global scale, they promote knowledge exchange and cultural understanding, paving the way for shared prosperity and sustainable development.

Thank You Readers to View this Blog's Post which would be certainly specific Perceptions of Prime Leaderships Pledges Enhancement & Acknowledge By Engineering Tools Contextual Scenarios about 2024 Engineering Prime Leaderships of Oaths to Develop Nation.

( Disclaimer : Above Contents have been Individual Opinion of Subjective formations of Subjects within the Logical Aspiration by the actual certainty of Theorems. If some of contents meet criteria regarding Individual ,Moral, Personal would be coincidence at all. This Blog does provide Information to Explore Knowledge for Students , Adults and Curious Fellows.Kindly suggest to Viewers Copy of any Contents from this Blog without Permission of Authors will Claim as Copyright Infringement., Violent or Abusing Comments on Blog strictly Prohibited. Infringement of Individual Law will Liable to Legally Actions on particular Fellows.) 

From : Author of Blog.

Monday 3 June 2024

Engineering Democratic Technology for Prime Leadership

In Democratic Nations,  there are kind of Electronic Voting Machines utilise for the Precise Conclusion of Voting Due to Legislative Democratic Festivity,  Significant Applications of Democratic Engineering Integral Modules to bring Constructive Transformation, for choosing probable Opinions of Specific Leadership in Society.

In today's fast-paced World, technology's role in shaping leadership is undeniable. With advancements in democratic technology, leaders have the unprecedented opportunity to connect, engage, and inspire their communities like never before. 

This Post Explores how Democratic Technology can empower prime Leadership, Fostering Transparency, inclusivity, and Innovation.

Transparency: Building Trust in Leadership

Transparency is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Democratic technology enables leaders to communicate openly and honestly with their constituents. Platforms like social media, blogs, and interactive websites allow leaders to share their vision, progress, and challenges directly with the public. This open line of communication builds trust and fosters a sense of accountability.

For instance, consider a local government leader using social media to provide real-time updates on community projects. By sharing detailed plans, timelines, and budgets, the leader not only keeps the community informed but also invites feedback and suggestions. This level of transparency demystifies the decision-making process and empowers citizens to feel involved and valued.

Inclusivity: Engaging a Diverse Community

Inclusivity is another critical aspect of prime leadership. Democratic technology breaks down barriers, enabling leaders to engage with a diverse range of voices. Online forums, virtual town halls, and collaborative platforms facilitate broad participation, ensuring that everyone's voice is heard.

A prime example of this is the use of virtual town halls. By hosting online meetings, leaders can engage with constituents who might otherwise be unable to attend due to geographic or time constraints. These platforms allow for real-time interaction, where participants can ask questions, share concerns, and contribute ideas. This inclusive approach not only enriches the decision-making process but also fosters a sense of community and belonging.

Innovation: Leveraging Technology for Progress

Innovation is at the heart of effective leadership. Democratic technology equips leaders with the tools to drive progress and address complex challenges. From data analytics to artificial intelligence, these technologies provide insights that can inform policy and strategy.

Consider the application of data analytics in public health leadership. By analyzing health data, leaders can identify trends, allocate resources more effectively, and implement targeted interventions. This data-driven approach enhances the efficiency and impact of public health initiatives, ultimately improving outcomes for the community.

Collaboration: Strengthening Collective Efforts

Collaboration is essential for achieving shared goals. Democratic technology facilitates collaboration by connecting leaders with experts, stakeholders, and the public. Platforms like collaborative workspaces and project management tools enable seamless coordination and cooperation.

For example, in the realm of environmental leadership, collaborative platforms can bring together scientists, policymakers, and community members to address climate change. By sharing data, ideas, and resources, these diverse groups can develop and implement innovative solutions. This collaborative approach harnesses the collective expertise and creativity of the community, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.

Empowerment: Encouraging Active Participation

Empowerment is a vital component of democratic leadership. Technology empowers citizens by providing them with the information and tools they need to participate actively in the democratic process. Online petitions, voting platforms, and civic engagement apps enable individuals to voice their opinions and influence decisions.

Take, for instance, the use of online voting platforms. By making voting more accessible and convenient, these platforms increase voter turnout and engagement. Citizens can participate in elections, referendums, and polls from the comfort of their homes, ensuring that their voices are heard. This empowerment strengthens the democratic process and ensures that leadership truly reflects the will of the people.

Education: Fostering Informed Citizenship

Education is crucial for nurturing informed and engaged citizens. Democratic technology provides leaders with powerful tools to educate the public on important issues. Online courses, webinars, and informational websites offer accessible and comprehensive resources for learning.

For example, a city mayor might launch an online platform dedicated to educating citizens about sustainable living practices. This platform could feature articles, videos, and interactive tools that provide practical tips and insights. By fostering a well-informed citizenry, leaders can inspire positive behavior change and collective action towards shared goals.

Adaptability: Responding to Changing Needs

Adaptability is a key trait of effective leadership. Democratic technology equips leaders with the agility to respond to changing needs and circumstances. Real-time data, feedback mechanisms, and predictive analytics enable leaders to make informed decisions and adapt strategies as needed.

Consider the case of emergency management. During a crisis, leaders can use real-time data and communication tools to coordinate response efforts and keep the public informed. This adaptability ensures that resources are deployed effectively, and that the community receives timely and accurate information. By leveraging technology, leaders can navigate complex and dynamic situations with confidence and competence.

Ethical Considerations: Ensuring Responsible Use

While democratic technology offers immense potential, it also comes with ethical considerations. Leaders must ensure that these technologies are used responsibly and ethically. Privacy, security, and equity are critical concerns that must be addressed to maintain public trust and integrity.

For instance, in the use of data analytics, leaders must prioritize data privacy and security. Implementing robust safeguards and transparent data practices is essential to protect individuals' personal information and maintain trust. Similarly, ensuring equitable access to technology is crucial to avoid exacerbating existing disparities. Leaders must strive to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that all community members can benefit from technological advancements.

The Future of Democratic Leadership

As we look to the future, the role of democratic technology in shaping leadership will only grow. The continued advancement of these technologies presents new opportunities for leaders to connect, engage, and inspire their communities. By embracing transparency, inclusivity, innovation, collaboration, empowerment, education, adaptability, and ethical considerations, leaders can harness the full potential of democratic technology to drive positive change.

Conclusion on Engineering Democratic Technology for Prime Leadership :

Economic Democratic Perceptions of Engineering Technological Formations to bring Unique Evolution in Civic Scenarios.Innovation Creative Applications of Engineering Legalise Module to acquire Unique Leadership in Community Resources.Democratic Technology is a powerful enabler of Prime Leadership.Democratic Technology is a powerful enabler of Prime Leadership. It empowers leaders to build trust, engage diverse voices, drive innovation, foster collaboration, and ensure active participation. By leveraging these Tools responsibly and ethically, leaders can navigate the complexities of the Modern World and create a Brighter Future for all. The journey towards empowered Leadership through Democratic Technology is an ongoing one, and its potential is limited only by our imagination and commitment to Progress.

Democratic technology empowers leaders to communicate transparently, fostering trust and accountability within their communities.

By enabling broad participation through virtual town halls and online forums, leaders can engage a diverse range of voices and ensure inclusivity.

Data analytics and AI provide leaders with actionable insights, driving innovative solutions to complex challenges.

Collaborative platforms connect leaders with experts and stakeholders, enhancing coordination and collective problem-solving efforts.

Online voting and civic engagement apps empower citizens to actively participate in the democratic process, strengthening the legitimacy of Leadership.

Real-time data and adaptive technologies equip leaders to respond swiftly to changing needs, ensuring effective crisis management and informed decision-making.

Thank You Readers to View this Blog's Contents which should be specifically considerate Enormous Significant of Democratic Engineering Disciplinary Contextual Scenarios about Engineering Democratic Technology for Prime Leadership.

( Disclaimer : Above Contents have been Individual Opinion of Subjective formations of Subjects within the Logical Aspiration by the actual certainty of Theorems. If some of contents meet criteria regarding Individual ,Moral, Personal would be coincidence at all. This Blog does provide Information to Explore Knowledge for Students , Adults and Curious Fellows.Kindly suggest to Viewers Copy of any Contents from this Blog without Permission of Authors will Claim as Copyright Infringement., Violent or Abusing Comments on Blog strictly Prohibited. Infringement of Individual Law will Liable to Legally Actions on particular Fellows.) 

From : Author of Blog.