Friday, 28 July 2017


There are various Branches of Science which could be compare their certain Characteristics and its Implementation behalf of Structural Features and Formations within sustainable Alignments of Structural criteria of Human Being which would be described in one of the Branches of Medical Science included ANATOMY  AND ORTHOPAEDIC which are being conduct on certain Anatomy Engineering Structures and Orthopaedics of Skeleton Structural Bond of Engineering Behalf of  Engineering Structural Configurations. Medical Science Branches have been certain Illustrations to manipulate particular Portions of Engineering compare to the Structural Formations of Human Body which Reasons of Many Structural Utilisation to execute specific Patterns and Models in Physical World by Human Structural Body Analysis and Design of Structural drawing which would be specifically Utilisation of Human Model as Marvellous Engineering Structural Conceptions.  

ENGINEERING is being covered up by Many complications stuffs which would be described with certain intention's pf Living Standard Things to provide with magnificent mechanism of various Branches of Science and its certain execution behalf of Functional Design ,Operational criteria and other Structural bonds of Natural & Artificial things onwards in it. There are Scientific illustrations , Examples , Models and Patterns which would be design might visually or virtually but, certainty of Structural Design and Drawing of the Engineering criteria which would be Configurations in such a specific Model. Alignments , Magnitude , Computation and Calculations of Projects to execute in Physical World would be Revolutions in Engineering Field behalf of certain Factors Living things would be designed of Structural criteria of Natural Living Creature which also related Medical Scientific Conceptions onwards to the certain Visualisation as well as Physical considerations.

There are various  Engineering Branches which Functions Artificial Elements in this with specific criteria to the presidential implementation of Engineering Structures ,Patterns ,Product , Machines and other Physical Engineering things included in Technical Formations in it.,we could consider Civil Engineering , Mechanical Engineering and other Engineering which would be related wit Specifically Computations & Calculation Engineering Design conceptions onwards. There are two Branches of Medical Science included in these Descriptions which are : ANATOMY & ORTHOPAEDICS.

Civil Engineering included different Engineering Structural Designs,. If we would be considered sustainable Portions of Human Structures in order to Building structural Design., Centroids of Gravity in Human Body each and every parts Parallel to each other with vertical plane to Horizontal Plane in it.,Anatomy studies certain parts of body alignment in certain stage of marvellous Design., Structural Drawing or Architectural Design executes certain Portions of Engineering which would be Inspired form Human Anatomy Structural Design Calculations in it.

Second points of Structural terms of Human Structural Design depends upon particular Unique Methodologies of Orthopaedics Considerations where Structural bonds of the Human simultaneously connected with each other towards Load bearing capacities of Human structural Forums in certain Stages of ultimate criteria behalf of Building , Machineries other Engineering Patterns connected with their accessories by certain require portions to assemble in concepts of Machineries Functional Design  and Drawing Execution onwards. Engineering Structural Design with Huma Body is the nostalgic Illustrations to modify Robotic Evaluation in Modern WORLD which would be certainly considerations of  Computing Integral Machineries Functional Design by Utilisation of Computing Advanced Design Techniques included with CAD ( Computer Aided Drafting ) CAM ( Computer Aided Manufacturing ) to create Innovations Visual Design according to Orthopaedic Structural Formations of Human bones.

There are various persons Contributed ,Sacrificed and Provided certain Pattern , Models , Inventions and other Discoveries which would be Grateful to make this World Dynamic ,Convenient and sustainable developed  Globally in 21st Century covered up with Modern Engineering Science & Technology would be Significance  for Human being on our beautiful Planet Earth.,

Here , above Image denotes Specifically Pictorial Specific conceptions who Provide sustainable world , what we are using in Mobile technologies , Space Innovation Travelling , Vehicles kinetic and kinematic physics consideration also derived by his Theorems., he Invented one of the marvellous Innovative Inventions which Known as LAW OF RELATIVITY ., he is one of the Greatest Scientist in Golden Histories of the Word SIR ALBERT EINSTEINE.,Einstein invented Relativities with Human Structural concepts who emerged in mechanical and material things of Lives conceptions which would be Significant Inspired and Motivated him to define Greatest Laws of Relativity. Sir ALBERT EINSTEINE provide Law of Relativity Formulae which is E=mc^2. Human Emerge in certain relativity of Engineering which would significant outcome of Scientific Formula Indeed.

Engineering Relations with Human being Structural criteria with various Logical and Theoretical concepts included in sense of Medical Scientific Era which would be : Anatomy , Orthopaedic ,Biomedical Science and Biotechnology included in it. Engineering Structural Design & Drawing involved with varieties of Functional Strategies and Operational Strategies Substitutes inwards., Engineering Artificial Structural Load Bearing conception , Load Transfer Conceptions and other Miscellaneous Products of Engineering Design From Human Structural Criteria., Sir Albert Einstein concluded Theory of Law of Relativity denoted Influence Human Relativities structural bond could be derived in specific Formulae E = mc ^ 2.Utilsiations of Relativity provided nostalgic Revolution in Societies with Dynamically , Intensified , Statistically , Aeronautically and other sustainable Relatives of Law of Relativity.

Thank you Readers to view this Blog's contents with Engineering Science & Technology Utilisation with Natural Structural Formations which would be consequences with certain Intention of Engineering structural Design which deal with Medical Science and Inventions of Marvellous Structural Human Relativity in the Physical World.

( Disclaimer : above contents have been individual opinion of subjective formations of subjects within the Logical Aspiration by the actual certainty of theorems,. if some of contents meet criteria regarding individual ,moral, personal would be coincidence at all,. this blog provide information to explore Knowledge for Students ,adults and curious fellows,. Kindly suggest to viewers copy of any contents from this blog without permission of Authors will claim as copy right infringement ., violent or abusing comments on blog strictly Prohibited., infringement of individual law will liable to legally actions on particular fellows.)

from : Author of Blog

Saturday, 22 July 2017


Modern Time Digital Media is being developed day by day with Features of Digital Media Conceptions involved Various Engineering Theorems ,Techniques ,Theoretical criteria and Practical Implementation which would be Nostalgic Transformations in Mass-Communication. Mass - Communication is the most significant criteria for the Commercial Companies ,Multi-National Companies included for the Dynamic Gross in Business Development. There are many significance intentions to utilise of Mass Communication which connected with Satellite for the certain Specific Utilisations,. Engineering Divisions are being conduct of Utilisation in various aspects which would be Assistive For mass of Progression in Engineering Tasks indeed.

ENGINEERING DYNAMIC development considered various Portions of Mass-Communications criteria which would have been utilisation in certain way. Engineering Communications strategies utilisation in dynamic way which would have been progressions of Clearance Technology in particular way. Mass - Communication would have been applicable certainty to manage consequences of Engineering in specific consequence towards Development conceptions within Execution for Engineering Academics , Manufacturing , Planning , Infrastructure Development and other Engineering Progressive tasks would be included. Engineering Communication is being vitalised within various categorised Utilities considerations onwards. Mass Communications criteria have been related with Artificial Satellites by whom so ever Rocket Science Contribution to setup Satellites in Space which would have been Significance considerations. Engineering Branches involved Civil Engineering ,Electrical Engineering , IT Engineering ,Mechanical Engineering etc. have been utilisation Engineering Mass - Communication Technology which do worth for Field work.

Mass - Communication including various Features which have been implementation towards Audio communication as well as Visual Video Communication considered in it. Applications of Mass Communication in various Instruments which are : RADIO ,TELEVISIONS , RADAR , INTERNET ,TELECOMMUNICATIONS FOR MOBILES AND TELEPHONES , SATELLITES etc. have been Utilisation in certain way which would be applicable for the specific Intentions of the Fellows in Societies for Sustainable Dynamic Development in the World which would have been more convenient to utilise in Specific way.

Modern Time Remote sensing Technology could be transferred Data of Topographical and Geological criteria of Engineering Communication Technology considerations. GPS is being Utilised for the specific Intentions which also part of Mass - Communication Technology Considerations criteria which do worth for Navigation considerations in Ocean with millions of Nautical Miles could be adequate to navigate their Ships in safe and secure Destinations of harbours , Airports , Bus stations also Utilised Geological Positioning Systems (GPS) which would have been significantly worth of it. Road and Highway Engineering Survey deal with Mass- Communication which provided Lives data of Geological conditions with Latitude and Altitude of Map,.by this Media Alignments of Millions of Miles have been Measured and Implementation particular Development of Road Development Consideration criteria. Significance of Mass - Communication towards Engineering concepts for Functional Design and Operations with Mass Communication Development Strategies.

GLOBALISATION is being responsible with certain Mass - Communication Perimeters which would have been implementation towards Sustainable Development of Communities Standard Lives Strategies. Mass - Communication across the Barriers to connects Nationals to Internationals Communications included Domestically , Commercially , Academically , Cultural & Officially consideration involved within specific Development criteria. Today , Global is being enclosed by Mass - Communication which Marvellous Example is an International Network ( INTERNET ).Mass gross of INTERNET is being implementation in such a specific Utilisation of Engineering Era. Contribution Mass-Communication has ben enormous in different Fields., in a sense of daily Routines Clearance Technology modified the way we are using Technology in particular segments of Mass Communication. Engineering Fields Sustainable Communications  Impact on Progressive Tasks of Engineering developments where Mass - Communication Massive Utilisation for marvellous outcome of Engineering Projects.

  MASS - COMMUNICATION is the Systems of Communication Criteria which would be Significance considerations towards Various Engineering conceptual Forums behalf of Tasks Progressions stuffs. Transformations  of Structural Development which would be certainly worth in order to Daily Routine Applicable concepts.Utilisations of engineering Field Chief of Project Management Professional would b requirements for specific Communication to manage tasks of Progressions in Engineering Criteria. Engineering Fields Requirements of sustainable Methodology wireless in Large Scale Projects. There are various Utilisations of mass communication in our Daily Routine which do worth for the certain consequences of Engineering Requirements of Mass Communication considerations for Developers of Nations.

Thank You Readers to view this Blog's Contents for further Utilisation towards Specifically Operational Tasks of Mass Communication Technology considerations. Engineering Large Scale Projects have been Utilised sustainably for Specific Utilisation behalf of Engineering criteria.

( Disclaimer : above contents have been individual opinion of subjective formations of subjects within the Logical Aspiration by the actual certainty of theorems,. if some of contents meet criteria regarding individual ,moral, personal would be coincidence at all,. this blog provide information to explore Knowledge for Students ,adults and curious fellows,. Kindly suggest to viewers copy of any contents from this blog without permission of Authors will claim as copy right infringement ., violent or abusing comments on blog strictly Prohibited., infringement of individual law will liable to legally actions on particular fellows.)

from : Author of Blog

Monday, 17 July 2017




TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING is the Primary objects in certain Life of Human being on Earth. People have been using Transport systems for the specific Utilisation for the certain way of Standard Requirements of Lives. There are many things which would be required by certain Nations where some of the certain things wouldn't available in order to the weather climatic circumstances,. People form that place require Primary Usage things for their Daily Usage. There are various Commercial Transport systems which have been utilised Internationally and Nationally behalf of Transportation of  Goods involved various ways to convey for the Import and Export are two objects of Transportation to provide Foreign Goods to Nations for their satisfaction of certain Requirements in Societies.

Transportation Engineering is being sub - Discipline of Civil Engineering which deal with certain types of Transportations criteria which are : 1) Highway Transport 2) Air aviation Transport 3) Marine Transport included Harbour , Port. 4) Pipe Line Transport 5) Tunnel Transport 6 ) Railway Transport 7 ) Space Transport.

Here we would be discussed Specific Utilisation which have been Utilisation Road Transportation or Highway Engineering is the sub discipline of Transportation Engineering which would have been consists of certain way to implement to supply Goods involved Primary Usage Productive Items , Medical Medicines and Equipments ,Petrochemicals , Wooden productions , Cosmetics , Constructions Materials and other lots of Utilisation of Highway Transportation Engineering. There are two types of Roads Pavements have been Utilised in Highway Engineering which are : 1 ) Rigid Pavements. 2 ) Flexible Pavements. Pavements of Roads have been utilised according to requirement of Traffic volumes and Conveyances ( Heavy and Light Vehicles Load Carrying Computation ). Road Transportation Engineering consists of various criteria of Road Alignments which depend upon certain availability of Topographical consequences and Landmark of Locations involve in Road Transportation Engineering. Major District Road , National Highway , District Road ,Village Road and Street Road including certain Methodology of Transportation Engineering which would be Marvellous Revolution in World of Engineering.

Transportation Engineering involved Air Transportation Engineering Require Port which known as Air Port for the Functional Operations of Aviation Transportation take off of the cargo and Landing of the Cargo are two main Objects which would be basically applied in Operational Criteria.
 Runway is the most important concepts for Air Transportation which Provide Safe , comfortable criteria for air staffs in Operational tasks. Departures and Arrivals are two subjective objects which would be generally concepts in Highway and Air Transportation. Aeroplanes utilised by according to traffic of Passengers in Domestic or International Airports , decided size of planes according to Gross Loading of cargo own weights and Passenger weights would be computation in Design of Aeroplane Concluded to consider size Large ,Medium or small . Air Transportations one of the Fastest Journey than marine and Land Transportation . Dynamic speed of Journey in Air considers with Health
and Safety Precaution due to the AEROPLANES

MARINE TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING is being implementation for Large scale Utilisation in Import and Export Good Commercially which have been Utilisation by Maritime criteria in it.People have been utilised for Leisure behalf Holiday on cruise with certain consequences. Commercially Aspects of Marine Transportation Engineering is being conduct on marvellous way. For the Loading and Unloading two main Functional Operations which would have been implementation in Marine time tasks of staffs considerations in it. Two Provide sailing to the Ships and Steamers would have been provided Docks and Harbours within certain amenities to get unloading and loading ,Refreshments as wel for the staffs and other crew remembers which would convenient for them. Harbours Provides tower Light which gives signal and Sign to indicated Landmark of Harbours for the Navigations of Ships or marine. Panama Canal is the best Example for the Navigation aspects of Ships  which would have been safe , Reliable and convenient for the Fellows for their safety considerations to decrease of Nautical Miles Journey of Marine.

Transportation Engineering Revolution is being implementation on the sustain aspects of Human Convenient Availability which would be considered by the Forums of CIVIL ENGINEERING criteria. There are several kind of Transportation Engineering , generally Road Transportation Engineering , Air Transportation Engineering , Marine Transportation Engineering have discussed above descriptions. Civil Engineering considerations included Transportations Engineering criteria would have been implementation and decided by America Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) who judged certain perceptions of Civil Engineering & its several Sub - Disciplines  Theoretical and Practically. Transportations Engineering included various Intelligent Techniques by Digital Media which would be Nostalgic Revolutions in it.Navigational Systems included GPS ,Traffic Intelligent Systems , Traffic Volume control Systems and other Transportation Digital Systems are factors of Transportation Engineering Revolution in the World.


Thank you Readers to view this Blog's Engineering Contents which would be curious for the Engineering Professions as well as other Fellows who connected with certain things of Innovative Transportation Engineering criteria. Contribution of sub-discipline of Civil Engineering has been Marvellous in Transportations inclusions Commercials and Leisure Utilisation.

( Disclaimer : above contents have been individual opinion of subjective formations of subjects within the Logical Aspiration by the actual certainty of theorems,. if some of contents meet criteria regarding individual ,moral, personal would be coincidence at all,. this blog provide information to explore Knowledge for Students ,adults and curious fellows,. Kindly suggest to viewers copy of any contents from this blog without permission of Authors will claim as copy right infringement ., violent or abusing comments on blog strictly Prohibited., infringement of individual law will liable to legally actions on particular fellows.)

from : Author of Blog 

Tuesday, 11 July 2017


ENGINEERING is the Ancient Discipline which would be conduct for sustainable Lives Styles Peoples and their Living Standard. There are various Branches of Engineering which would be Classified in Different aspects of Disciplines with Necessities of certain criteria in Lives of Human being Globally. Modern Societies have been covered with sustainable Modification of Engineering & Technology which would be cause to create Innovation Models of Engineering For Better ,Reliable & Comfortable Lives Strategies in it. ENGINEERIGN is being contribution Conveniently which would be Illustrations of Specific Intentions in it.

ENGINEERING is the back bone of Society cause if you would consider Primary Necessities to the Ultimate Necessities behalf of Engineering Sequence of Contribution criteria is being implementation towards Nostalgic Utilisation of Engineering Models which would be sustainable Development of Phenomenon Engineering innovative Inventions would have been specifically Modulation of certain concepts of Technology towards Individual aspects of Engineering Primary Utilisation Intentions which would be Revolution in particular way of Engineering attachment to the Societies. Engineering Revolution tends on Origin of Civilisation in Societies of the World. Engineering is being implementation concurrent integration of societies segments Valuation towards general Methodology of Engineering would have been conduct for specific Reasons to implement Ultimate Requirements of Engineering Conceptions which would be further sentiments of Technology to the ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES AND UTILISATION for the Better prospectus of Sustainable Progressions in Societies as Engineering Contribution.

There are various aspects of Utilisation of Engineering which would be classified as : a) PRIMARY CONTRIBUTION OF ENGINEERING consists of Daily Routines Usages included which would be Significance of Personal Requirements of the Fellows in Societies onwards. Daily applicable aspects of Engineering contributions could be explained in certain sentiments whether it would be Home basic Requirements , Cosmetics , Transportations ( Two Wheelers & Four Wheelers ) , Medical First Aid Equipments ,Academic Tools , Food Equipments etc, are being involved in categories of Engineering Primary Utilisation criteria. b) PROFESSIONALLY CONTRIBUTIONS OF ENGINERING IN SOCITIES including various Professional have been on duties by their certain Responsible tasks of their Jobs considerations which would be beneficially to being yields of Engineering Societies to don Innovative tasks with Dynamic and Sustainable Progressions of Engineering Technology in it.

c) SPECIFIC ENGINEERING UTILISATIONS IN SOCIETIES concluded moral things apart Engineering Considerations have been conduct on specific Probabilities which would be Significance by Engineering Theoretical and Practical executions which would be presidential Requirements of Engineering Contribution of Societies., For the Purpose of Research , Inventions , Discoveries of new terminology , Engineering sustainable Development of Societies criteria which would conventional towards marvellous Structures , Manufacturing Productions ,Printing Press , Engineering Designs included Housing Urbanisations , Planning and Acquisition etc. included in Specifically Engineering CONTRIUTION in Societies conceptions.   

 According to the above Pictorial Image would have been allocated Engineering Sustainable Progressions in the Societies which would be nostalgic Impact in Societies towards Dynamic Transportation Internationally to contribute Man powers & Cultural criteria by Engineering Methodology and Execution. Aeroplanes have been manufacturing by the terminology of Aeronautical Engineering consequences which would be preferences amazing Contribution of Engineering.

Now,What Engineering can do Genuinely for Human being and Fundamental criteria of inconvenience in Societies ?..  Engineering could make impossible towards inverse way to make it Possible in it. Poverty ,Hunger , Illiteracy .,Terrorism , Conflicts ,Violence and other controversial consequences could be Resolved by Engineering sophisticated Actions. Engineering Revolutions could be bring emendation to change Image of the World. Globally systems of Societies would be unstable cause of Human Resources which should be Manage in Sustainable way to implement Engineering Methodology toward Revolutions in certain way of Technology which would be Reasons to be worth of in behalf of Certainty of Consequences within aspects of Transformations in World of Engineering Contribution conceptions.

ENGINEERING is being contributions Nostalgic in world of Sustainable Engineering Progressions in Societies. There are various points considered which are : a) Primary Contribution of Engineering. b) Professionally Engineering Contributions in Societies. c) Specific Engineering Utilisations in Societies., all points considered which would allocated Ultimatum Contributions of Engineering in Societies. Engineering could have been Implementation certain Engineering which would be considered in particular way towards Challenging Factors which would have been Progressions to Resolve by Engineering SENTIMENTS which would be reality to bring REVOLUTIONS genuine consequences of Engineering Era.

Thank You Readers to view this Blog considered towards Engineering Contributions in Societies within difference aspects which would be Nostalgic considerations to bring Revolutions in  it behalf of certain Categories of Engineering. Genuine points would have been implementation towards Transformations & certain Revolutions in Societies onwards.

( Disclaimer : above contents have been individual opinion of subjective formations of subjects within the Logical Aspiration by the actual certainty of theorems,. if some of contents meet criteria regarding individual ,moral, personal would be coincidence at all,. this blog provide information to explore Knowledge for Students ,adults and curious fellows,. Kindly suggest to viewers copy of any contents from this blog without permission of Authors will claim as copy right infringement .,violent or abusing comments on blog strictly Prohibited., infringement of individual law will liable to legally actions on particular fellows.)

from : Author of Blog

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


ENGINEERING Progressions have been implementation within certain perspective of Specific Fellows who contribute their selves such dedication consequences of Engineering which would be adequate Knowledge of Academic sessions by the certain Nostalgic steps of the Individual Fellows Executional considerations. Form Mind-sets including Firms ,

Factories and other Sectorial Companies concentrates their views on certain Presidential criteria which would be aspects of Engineering Sustainable Progressions onwards., Engineering Practically Trained people having less theoretical and Analytical Knowledge even though have been given Nostalgic Performance in such particular Sites with Unique Performance in Engineering would be worth of it.

Hello., Friends Today we will begin certain topic which would be specifically Mentioned in several working sites considerations which would be worth for the certain consequences workmanship onwards to the Unique Level of Standard Working Sites implementation within allocated mind set with various Categories of Professionally diaspora.  Professionally considered workmanship including Vocational Training which all about Practically conceptual consideration for the certain execution to the Unique Physical performance in particular Firms onwards. Many People do not know even principle about particular Models of working by their Dedication ,Determination ,Enthusiasm and  Entrepreneur Skills. Let them to evaluate their selves within certain Equilibrium Proportions of their Lives Circumstances. Engineering Marvellous would be considered with certain level of Fellows who Execution with Affirmative dedication in to the clarification of workmanship in it. 

Form-Mind-set involved various Categories which could be classified with certain level of specific segments should be uniqueness of certain Segments to the Clarified consideration of the certain consequences of the Fellows would have been enormous at the working place., If we would consider various Fellows who working in particular workplace for their Financially Management criteria., in these Categories included : Skilled Fellows and Unskilled Fellows who contribution with sustainable way within co-ordination towards positive working tasks behalf of Team working on working Sites would be interaction of certain Outcome of the Particular individual Fellows onwards. Various Forms of Mind-sets involved sustainable execution behalf of certain Workmanship of them in particular Tasks as Masons , Labours ,Production Operatives ,Operators ,Drivers ,Cleaners ,Customer Assistant , carer and other Vocational Practices have been considerations of Different Talents with Specific Knowledge which would be Literary in different criteria which should be implementation to Sustainable Working Strategies.

Vocational Training in various Nations have been accepted with their own Standard and certain attributions which should be Utilised in certain way of Engineering Implementation to the Significant way which do exists to the implementation of Engineering Sustainable circumstances. Vocationally people conduct on particular Tasks with specific progressions in it. Diversities Workmanships of the Fellows in Societies would have been implementation to the Engineering strategic Development towards different considerations of Technical Terms of Practical consequences onwards. Significance of Engineering the Form Brain do better concepts of matter to give certain shapes to the model by their Creativity era. Engineering Sustainable Development cause of People who contributed with Theoretically as well as Practically would be certainly worth of it., which should be convey to bring concurrent consequences of Engineering Progressions towards Formations of Psychology concepts with certain Level of Technical considerations by whom so ever forms minds in some of the Place Humiliated by such Fellows who Got testimonials from certain Academic Institutions and other Individual Fellows would be execution to the Vocational Practical Terms which should be Implementation to the Engineering existence of Sustainable Methodology onwards.

Form Mind-sets are being contribution with certain Skills which could be Utilised in particular Sequence of Engineering Sustainable Management criteria. Progressive stuffs of Engineering should be implementation to the Enormous sectorial considerations which should be conduct on Training Perspective to improve their Skills for the Sustainable Development for Particular Nations Productions ,Infrastructures and other criteria Form mind would have been Progressions on Unique certainty to the Diaspora of Nostalgic Engineering Implementation to the Progressive sentiments for the particular Nations considerations criteria which should have to train by certain Expertise of the Fellows by Nostalgic way of Implementation in it.Engineering Field with Full op Practically criteria and Theoretically which should be Equilibrium by certain Training of Experts to bring particular Revolution In the World.

Thank You Reader to view this Blog's Information for the Sustainable Knowledge and curious criteria about Engineering Form mind which could be formally trained by Experts to bring certain Revolution in the Sectorial Tasks of the companies ,firms and Factories consequences which should be implementation by specific certainty of Engineering Progressions Era.

( Disclaimer : above contents have been individual opinion of subjective formations of subjects within the Logical Aspiration by the actual certainty of theorems,. if some of contents meet criteria regarding individual ,moral, personal would be coincidence at all,. this blog provide information to explore Knowledge for Students ,adults and curious fellows,. Kindly suggest to viewers copy of any contents from this blog without permission of Authors will claim as copy right infringement ., violent or abusing comments on blog strictly Prohibited., infringement of individual law will liable to legally actions on particular fellows.)

from : Author of Blog